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Cirugías / Balón Intragástrico

Intragastric Balloon

The Intragastric Balloon is a spherical, expandable, silicone device by which the filling volume may be adjusted. It has been devised as an alternative to treat obesity or overweight.

The device is endoscopically introduced into the stomach and subsequently it is filled with a saline solution and a blue stain (methylene blue) thus partially occupying the gastric cavity and, therefore, there is an increase in the feeling of satiety. So, food intake will be reduced leading to a future weight loss.


The placement and withdrawal of the intragastric balloon are carried out in an outpatient setting, so the patient goes back to his/her normal activities almost immediately.

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Intragastric Balloon Indications

Patients with overweight or with a BMI greater than 25

Patients with morbid obesity that do not want to undergo any surgical procedure.

Patients with morbid obesity in whom surgery is counter indicated due to its high risk.

As a reduction of initial weight prior to any surgery.

Intragastric Balloon Advantages

Non-surgical and outpatient surgery.

Allows the patient to immediately go back to daily activities.

Low risk of complications.

¿Para quién es? 

Un balón intragástrico puede ser una opción para usted si:

  • Su índice de masa corporal (IMC) es mayor a 27.

  • Está dispuesto a comprometerse con los cambios saludables en el estilo de vida y el seguimiento médico regular, así como a participar en la terapia conductual.

  • No ha tenido ninguna cirugía previa de estómago o esófago.

Los globos intragástricos no son la elección correcta para todas las personas con sobrepeso. Un proceso de detección ayudará a su médico a ver si el procedimiento podría ser beneficioso para usted.

Online Appointment

Mon - Fri          09:00 - 19:00 hr

Sat - Sun          10:00 - 17:00 hr

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