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Child Obesity

About 1 out of every 3 children in the US are overweight or obese. However, even with all this approach on children, many parents still get confused, especially when it comes to what their children eat. How much food does your child need? Is the child consuming enough calcium? Enough iron? Too much fat?


Regardless of being a small child or an adolescent, nutrition is important for their mental and physical development.


Usually parents are the first ones to find out when their child has an emotional or behavioral problem. Even then, the decision to look for help or professional advice may be difficult and painful, since often it is difficult to know when it will be really necessary. They resist maybe because they believe practitioners will tell them nothing new or, in case of doing so, their ability to solve a problem, as a parent or an adult will be questioned.

Pediatric Nephrology

If your child suffers from a kidney or urinary disease, bladder disorders o high blood pressure, a pediatric nephrologist has the skills and expertise required to treat your child.


Pediatric Nephrologists treat children since childhood, adolescence, and in some medical centers until they become young adults.

Pediatric Endocrinology

Hormones are chemicals that affect the way other parts of the body work. For example, hormones decide how a child grows up and matures.

If your child has growth, puberty, diabetes disorders and other hormone-related disorders and the glands producing it, a pediatric endocrinologist could treat him/her.

Control of a Healthy Child

Childhood is a stage of growth and quick changes. Children have more frequent healthy children pediatric controls when they are younger.  This is because growth is faster during those years.


Each pediatric control includes a complete physical examination. During the exam, the physician verifies the growth and development of the baby or small child in order to find or avoid issues. The weight will be registered by the healthcare provider.

Surgery in Children and Adolescents

Overweight and obesity are known for being a significant challenge in public health in Mexico and around the world, due to its magnitude, rapid increase and negative effect in the health of the population suffering from those conditions. México is not only one of the countries with one of the highest prevalence of overweight and obesity indexes, but also the increase of such conditions has been at a faster pace. Obesity has become relevant in all age groups, both genders, in all socio economical levels and regions within the country.

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Child obesity is prevailing so much that we can almost refer to it as an epidemic. There are two factors that lead to overweight – malnutrition and a sedentary life style.

Obesity in infants may cause physical and psychological damages.

The most evident physical consequence, while not the most important, when it comes to overweight, is the excessive fat build-up in the body; triggering a body malformation, giving a bulky appearance.
as well as:

Social discrimination
Difficulties in relationships 
Anxiety caused by discrimination
Low self-esteem
• Isolation
• School disliking

Their main concern is that others do not make fun of them
Labeled as the classroom’s chubby 
Lack of confidence


Our focus at OBEDI is the strict comprehensive management of a pediatric patient with obesity issues (including pediatrics, pediatric endocrinology, paidopsychology) by providing a surgical approach since the conservative methods provide very limited results.


Follow-up trials have demonstrated that between 42% and 77% of obese adolescents, will remain under this condition during adulthood, with a relative risk of 4 - 6.5 times, and 20 years or more life expectancy reduction. In addition, if one of the parents is obese, the likelihood of being an obese adult in the future increases up to 80% 

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